Safety cabinets are the most important type of containment equipment protecting personnel from exposure to biological hazards in the laboratory. However, they are frequently misunderstood. Confusions commonly exist, for example, among different classes of Safety Cabinets, and even between other types of laboratory enclosures (such as Fume Hoods and Laminar Flow Cabinets). Furthermore, safety cabinets are sensitive equipment requiring special maintenance and care (not just filter changes!) - working safely inside a cabinet thus requires complete understanding by the user of the principles on which they operate.
This Esco seminar is designed to educate participants in these issues, to promote a better overall understanding of safety cabinets and hence safer working techniques. It is taught at an introductory level assuming no prior knowledge and is organised primarily in cooperation with Esco distributors around the world. The focus of this seminar is on the Class II Biohazard Safety Cabinet which is the most common type of system in use today around the world. Attendees will get to see up close an actual working Esco Class II safety cabinet during the seminar.
If you would like to request for this seminar to be conducted by Esco specialists in your facility, please click here